While we’re never quite sure when spring has really sprung in Minnesota, you can be sure that when it does arrive, people will want to get back outside and start cleaning. Seacole’s full line of aqueous detergents can be used with pressure washers, foam application equipment, or even the old-school method of a mop and bucket. Our years of experience means we’re able to find the right product to pair up with your equipment to best clean your equipment, shop floor, vehicles, boat docks, and the interior and exterior walls of your facilities. Let us introduce you to our top sellers.
Alkaline Aqueous Detergents
With the right detergent, removing grease, grime, and other contaminants from your equipment, floor, or vehicles is effective and efficient. With so many products on the market to choose from, you can trust the Seacole sales team to help you find the detergent or detergents that are formulated for your particular cleaning needs.
While the following products are powerful, economical solutions for many industrial cleaning tasks, our team can also develop a custom solution for you if required. We have many established formulas that have been used to clean industrial facilities and fleets for decades. If these aren’t the best solutions for your needs, our staff chemists can help formulate a custom product for your needs.
Total Liquid Detergent
Total is an aluminum-safe liquid detergent and degreaser engineered to attack grease, grime, and other soils. Total is a non-butyl formula capable of cleaning and degreasing everything from hard-surface concrete shop floors and walls, to industrial equipment, to locomotive rail cars. It truly is a total solution for your cleaning needs.
Total B Liquid Detergent
Total B is a level up from our Total cleaner. It is an aluminum-safe liquid detergent and degreaser engineered to attack grease, grime, and other soils. Total B is a non-butyl formulation capable of cleaning and degreasing everything from hard-surface concrete shop floors and walls, to industrial equipment and machinery, to company vehicles. When paired with our acid-based Release wash, it is the perfect step two in a two-step wash process to neutralize the acid cleaner and give your fleet the best shine.
Evolution Liquid Detergent
Evolution is a highly alkaline liquid detergent and degreaser engineered to attack grease, grime, and other soils effective with high and low pressure cleaning. Evolution is a concentrated formula capable of cleaning and degreasing industrial and commercial equipment, tankers, trucks, buses, farm vehicles, and shop walls and floors.
Super-Concentrated EZ Kits
Seacole’s super-concentrated EZ Kits of our most popular alkaline cleaners are economical solutions to your high-volume needs. Commercial cleaning contractors love our EZ Kits for washing vehicles, cleaning the walls and ceilings of factories, and cleaning surfaces such as gas station decks, parking ramps, and drive-thrus. These kits are also a huge cost savings to companies looking to save on freight charges.
Acidic Aqueous Detergent
In addition to our alkaline detergents, Seacole also offers acidic detergents for cleaning tasks that require a low pH, including our bestseller Release.
Release Liquid Detergent
Release is an aluminum-safe, low-pH detergent designed for exterior washing, cleaning, and descaling. It is engineered to loosen grease, grime, soil, road film, and hard water scale while also brightening aluminum trim, wheels, and accessories without the use of hydrofluoric acid.
Release can be used as step one in a two-step vehicle wash (use Total, Total B, or Evolution for step two) or as a single-stage wash for brightening aluminum wheels & accessories and trailers.
Seacole is Your Partner for Industrial Cleaning
Finding the right detergent for your industrial cleaning process starts with a call or email to the Seacole team. We listen to your needs and challenges, asking questions to determine the best match in our product line. We’ll discuss your cleaning application and ask your cleaning equipment to find the most effective detergent(s) for you.
To find the right detergent and other industrial cleaning chemistries, contact the industrial cleaning experts at Seacole today.