Chemistry for Medical Device Manufacturing

Medical device manufacturing requires specialized chemistry for precision cleaning to remove machining contamination followed by surface treatment chemistry to prepare the parts for further fabrication. Seacole offers a broad line of aqueous and solvent-based cleaning chemistry to gently remove soils and leave very low levels of unwanted residues behind. Once clean, the surface can be passivated or plated using chemistry also supplied by Seacole.


  • Wide variety of cleaning and surface preparation chemistry
    to meet any application.
  • Expert advice and support from an experienced team
    of chemists and surface engineers.
  • Minnesota based manufacturing, customer service
    and laboratories.

Request a Consult

Share your medical device chemistry challenges with us, and we will reach out to discuss solutions.


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AQUEOUS A590 Soak Multi-metal liquid burnishing/cleaning product for mass finishing processes neutral yes, prevents rust
AQUEOUS & SPRAY CAB Spraydet EC Multi-metal silicon-free liquid alkaline detergent for electronic parts, free rinsing alkaline, 11.5 low 140-210° F
AQUEOUS & ULTRASONIC Spraydet EL Multi-metal silicon-free liquid detergent for aqueous part cleaning, electrical safe alkaline, 12.0 low 140-210° F
AQUEOUS Spraydet EV Multi-metal silicon-free liquid detergent for aqueous part cleaning, free-rinsing alkaline, 12.0 yes, prevents rust low 140-210° F
AQUEOUS & ULTRASONIC Aqua UL Multi-metal liquid alkaline detergent formulated for ultrasonic cleaning tough soil alkaline, 10.5 yes low 140-180°F, 160°F optimal
FOUNTAIN WASHERS Aqua Force Multi-metal liquid alkaline detergent for manual fountain style parts washers alkaline, 10.5 yes low ambiant to 110°F
ULTRASONIC Sonic Blast Concentrated multi-metal safe liquid detergent for toughest cleaning alkaline, 13.2 yes low 140-180°F, 160°F optimal
DEFOAMER Defoamer O non-silicone liquid foam suppressant to enhance Spraydet products neutral no none ambiant to 180°F
DEFOAMER Defoamer S aqueous silicone defoamer neutral no none ambiant to 180°F
SOLVENT IPA 50%, 70%, 99+% 99+% SEMI grade IPA, 50% and 70% diluted with RO quality water
SOLVENT Acetone SEMI grade
SOLVENT Methanol SEMI grade
SOLVENT Heptane Technical grade with Seacole GC analysis confirming purity
SOLVENT Hexane 85% and 95% reagent grade
SOLVENT Ethanol Denatured Formula 3A
SOLVENT Flourinert Solvents PFAS/PFOS free
SOLVENT Hydrogen Peroxide 30% SEMI grade, 35% and 50% Technical grade


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STAINLESS STEEL CitriSurf 2250 Proprietary blend of chemicals to clean and passivate stainless steel no no low 120°F - 160°F
STAINLESS STEEL Dynafin 5504 Proprietary strong acid blend for polishing and passivating stainless yes yes med-high 160°F - 180°F
MULTI METAL Nitric Acid 70% strong acid liquid SEMI grade yes no med-high 100°F - 180°F
MULTI METAL Citric Acid USP/FCC fine granular no, organic acid no low 160°F - 180°F
PICKLING Sulfuric Acid 96% strong acid liquid SEMI grade yes no low 160°F - 180°F
PICKLING EPS 1378 Stainless Pickle Acid Proprietary blend for stainless steel pickeling yes yes med ambient - 110°F
PICKLING Weld Wizard 9350 Low hazard, low etching proprietary blend for removal of weld discolorization and other scale from stainless steel no no low 160°F - 180°F
PLATING Electroless Nickel MetalChem high phos no yes low 190°F
PLATING Electrolytic Nickel MetalChem low phos no yes low 190°F

Private label Blending & packaging

Whether it’s a Seacole formulation or your proprietary formula, we can blend, package, and label the product with your unique branding.

  • Technical chemical team offers R & D support
  • Audited Quality Management System
  • Seacole is proud to have earned and maintained:
    • FDA registered Class 1 manufacturer
    • ISO certified 9001-2015
    • ACD Responsible Distribution
    • DEA Certification
  • Liquid blending:  100 to 3000 gallon batches
  • Dry blending:  150# to 15,000# batches
  • Liquid & Powder filling lines with induction sealer, labeler, lot coders and heat tunnel shrink wrap
  • Finished products ship to your warehouse or blind ship to your customer direct
Seacole Private Label Blending Packaging Sq

Common Chemical Grades

200 Semi Conductor Common Chemical Grades


Chemicals that are ultra-purified to parts per billion (ppb) and parts per trillion (ppt) levels for metal ions and organic contaminants. Ultra-filtration ensures low, controlled particulate levels and very low residues after evaporation. This limited list of chemicals adhere to strict quality requirements with specifications established by SEMI for use in the manufacture of semiconductors.

200 Acs2 Common Chemical Grades


A large group of ultra-pure, high assay reagent chemicals created for laboratory testing. The American Chemical Society (ACS) establishes the specifications for these products that typically fill small jars on laboratory shelves and are sometimes specified in manufacturing where high purity is required.

200 Usp Common Chemical Grades


A group of chemicals used for Pharmaceutical, food and medical applications. The United States Pharmacopeia sets the specification requirements, which include both chemical and sometimes microbiological testing. These standards ensure that chemicals meet specific criteria for identity, quality, purity, strength, and consistency, primarily for use in active pharmaceutical formulations.

200 Reagent Icon Common Chemical Grades


Another term for ACS grade chemicals.

200 Nf Icon Common Chemical Grades


These chemicals are similar to USP. The National Formulary, a publication of the USP, dictates the specifications. These chemicals focus mainly on non-active pharmaceutical ingredients.

200 Laboratory Icon Common Chemical Grades


Relatively high purity chemicals with unspecified contaminants suitable for low-level education and training purposes where ACS quality standards are not required.

200 Purified Icon Common Chemical Grades


Medium to low purity chemicals that do not meet any official standards.

200 Technical Icon Common Chemical Grades


Good quality chemicals for use in commercial and industrial applications where purity in not critical. Often manufacturer purity specifications appear high but handling and packaging bring down the quality and consistency.

Isopropyl Alcohol grade comparison

Scroll table to the left to see more data.

SEMI USP ACS (reagent) TECH (in bulk)
Assay 99.9-100% 99% min 99.5% min 99% min
Color 5 max 10 max 10 max 10 max
0.2 Particle Count 250 par/ml max - - -
0.2 Particle Count 50 par/ml max - - -
Specific Gravity @25˚C - 0.783-0.787 - 0.783-0.787
Appearance - clear - clear
Identification by IR - pass - -
Carbonyl Compounds - - .0025 max -
Water 20 PPM max 5000 PPM max 2000 PPM max 5000 PPM
Acidity 0.1 UEQ/G max 0.7 UEQ/G max 0.1 UEQ/G max 0.001%
Chloride, Phosphate 50 PPB - - -
Residue after evap 1000 PPB 50,000 PPB 10,000 PPB 10,000 PPB
Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Bismuth, Boron, Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium, Copper, Gallium, Germanium, Gold, Lithium, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Nobidium, Potassium, Silver, Sodium, Strontium, Tantalum, Thallium, Tin, Titanium, Vanadium, Zinc 1 PPB max - - -
Cobalt, Iron, Nickel 1 PPB max - 100 PPB -
Lead 1 PPB max - 1000 PPB -
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Why Seacole

Customers choose Seacole for our extensive technical expertise, our ability to quickly adapt to new markets, and our wide product range. They appreciate our dedication to environmental sustainability and the safety of our community. We push past the boundaries of innovation to address your toughest chemistry challenges while staying true to your high standards for performance, safety, and sustainability.

Consistent Quality • Customer Focused Technical Support • Experienced Process Expertise

Chemistry solutions for your business challenges.


Specialized chemicals are used to deburr metals, remove cutting oils and process contamination to prepare parts for further processing. Chemicals are used to add a surface layer to protect the metal surface from oxidation. Passivation and plating are two examples.

Detergents and solvents are used for cleaning. Acids are used for deburring, surface modification and protection.

The chemicals need to be very pure so no extraneous contamination is introduced during processing. The grade of the chemistry lends consistency, quality assurance and documentation.

There are many regulatory organizations governing chemical quality, safety, handling and environmental stewardship. Seacole follows all regulations and provides auditable processes to help medical device manufacturers meet their own quality requirements.

All of the chemistry sold to the medical device industry is accompanied by a certificate of analysis from the manufacturer proving that they meet ACS, USP or SEMI quality standards.
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Contact Seacole Today

We are ready to discuss your medical device manufacturing goals.